Monday, January 30, 2012

30 Days of Not Buying Food

After looking at my financial situation, it has become apparent that if I want to get some things completely paid off (like my car), that I need to buckle down and stop spending money.  The extremely outrageous cable bill has already been removed from my list of monthly expenditures in favor of Hulu and Netflix.  Other then gas which is necessary, food is my next highest item on the budget.  There is SO much food in my cupboard right now.  It has been there for a long, long, long time.  My goal for this month is to only buy milk, eggs, and very little else.

Starting Wednesday, I am going to start posting my 'emptying the pantry' recipes. I'm sure some of them will be wonderful and others will be kind of sad.. The good thing is that I do have some meals frozen and my mother is giving me strawberries and some lunch meat before her trip to Vegas... This should be interesting!

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